
16 December 2010, London

It’s a one-day event for journalists and communications professionals who want to learn more about building a brand and digital products to support and share their content. This event, which focuses on practical advice from experts in journalism and digital publishing, will look at the processes and technology involved beyond producing content that can make your journalism and communications more powerful.

The sessions will cover:

- building communities for content from scratch;
- search engine optimisation for specialist publishers;
- new business ideas and product management;
- and what linked data and the semantic web mean for journalists.

Event details

How to follow news:rewired – beyond the story

Hashtag: #newsrw

Thoughts from news:rewired speakers:

Rory Brown on building personal brands and networks

Rick Waghorn on entrepreneurialism and ‘journalist as network’

The Guardian’s Simon Rogers on the future of datajournalism

Ed Walker on what media organisations can learn from supermarkets



The 2010 conference of the Online News Association (ONA) pushed further the debate on how technology is shaping the future of journalism in the evolving web media landscape. The event was held in Washington DC, the US capital, between the 28-30 October, 2010. Read more, Stefano Valentino,

Related Articles:
- Traditional Journalists Switch to Internet or Face Layoffs

All ONA10 - Videos

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