de telegraaf


Ultimately, newspapers will not only interact with readers and users, they will develop new forms of journalism that take advantage of their readers' knowledge via methods such as crowd-sourcing. This can produce both good and bad results... And this is why we have asked editors-in-chief who have jumped into the hyperlocal news world to tell us how to deal both with professional journalists and citizens (never say amateurs!). Read more

Bart Brouwers, Managing Editor for hyperlocal Online Media, Telegraaf Media Group, The Netherlands
Roman Gallo, Founder, Nase Adresa Project, Czech Republic
Martha Gleich, Internet Director, Grupo RBS, Brazil
Harry Dugmore, Founder of "The news is coming" project, and Knight News Challenge winner, South Africa
Jaroslaw Tokarczyk, President of the Board, Gazeta Olsztynska, Poland

Werner Eggert, Editor-in-Chief, Tide, Germany


Mehr zum Thema:
- Launching hyperlocal startups: Opinion 250 and Locally Informed
- Dutch News Publisher Telegraaf Buying Social Network Hyves
- Bart Brouwers and Telegraaf Media Group bring hyperlocal to the Netherlands
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