data streams

Journalists are coping with the rising information flood by borrowing data visualization techniques from computer scientists, researchers and artists. Some newsrooms are already beginning to retool their staffs and systems to prepare for a future in which data becomes a medium. But how do we communicate with data, how can traditional narratives be fused with sophisticated, interactive information displays? Read more

1. Introduction
2. Data Visualization in Journalism
3. Telling "Data Stories"
4. A new Era in Inforgraphics
5. Life as a Data Stream
6. Exploring Data
7. Technologies and Tools
8. First Steps

Geoff McGhee,

Fassung mit Links und Hintergründen

Mehr zum Thema:
- A periodic table of visualization methods
- OpenData und Lokaljournalismus (Scoopcamp HH 2010)
- Mapping crowdsourced contributions
- Der Journalismus aus der Datenbank steht noch am Anfang
- Articles & Videos on Visual Literacy and Knowledge Visualization

Zurück vom Hamburger Scoopcamp, das in diesem Jahr genauso großartig war wie die Premiere im vergangenen Jahr, gibt es es hier jetzt erst mal auf die Schnelle die Folien von mir und Lorenz Matzat. Wir hatten den Workshop 2 übernommen, in dem es um Chancen ging, die das Open Data Konzept für den Lokaljournalismus bietet.  Mehr dazu

Ulrike Langer,



21st October 2010, London

The emergence of social technologies has brought with it the absolute necessity for transparency of data. There has been a shift from using data to be accountable to making data accessible and open for free re-use to benefit profit making organisations and the man on the street.

David McCandless
Dr. Rufus Pollock
Simon Rogers
Andrew Lyons

Event details

Mehr zum Thema:
- Journalism in the Age of Data
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